分享知识http://www.fedrobots.com/?search=376712我来纠错//查询name是安云大神的数据,select * 的意思就是查询所有字段值,也可以指定某几个字段用英文逗号隔开,例如:name,mobile
select * form tablename where name='安云大神';
select * form tablename where name='安云大神' or name='前端机器人';
select * form tablename where name='安云大神' and mobile='15888888888';
select * form tablename where (name='安云大神' or name='前端机器人') and mobile='15888888888';
select * form tablename where name='安云大神' or name='前端机器人';
select * form tablename where name in ('安云大神','前端机器人');
select * form tablename where not name='安云大神';
select * form tablename where age between 20 and 30;
//is null,查询为空的数据
select * form tablename where age is null;
select * form tablename where name like '%安云%'; //查询name值包含安云的数据,前后所有字符串不限。
select * form tablename where name like '%安云_'; //查询name值包含安云的数据,前面字符串不限,后面字符串只有一位不限